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@kingajar May 03, 2019 169970 views preload chrome extension improve speed

FasterChrome is a smart extension to improve the speed of Chrome. When the user browses the webpage, moving the cursor to the hyperlink, this extension will start pre-downloading the next page. When the user click the link finally, the next page is already loaded in local cache. It's very helpful for browsing speed.

According to the official website of instant.page, this technology will only preload the target page after the user is likely to click on a link, and only preloads the HTML, does not load the image or related files. To ensure that users and servers do not consume extra traffic or CPU.

How it works:

When you use the mouse to move to the link and press it, the time period averages 300 milliseconds, and instant.page will preload the link when your mouse hovers over the link for more than 65 milliseconds. When you actually click on this link, you will feel faster because of the preload.

1. Predict which link you're going to click

Before you click on a link, you hover your mouse over it. When you have hovered for 65 milliseconds there is one chance out of two that you will click, so FasterChrome starts preloading at this moment, leaving on average over 300 ms for the page to preload.

2. Preload the page to local cache

Pages are preloaded only when there's a good chance that a user will visit them, and only the HTML is preloaded, being respectful of your users' and servers' bandwidth and CPU.

FasterChrome works automatically on any page you visit in the Chrome web browser and on most links. The extension requires read and write access to all data on websites that are visited in the browser. FasterChrome places an icon in Chrome's main toolbar but displays no options when you activate the icon; in fact, it comes without any options at all.

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